Competitors of Grindwell Norton Ltd in the Abrasives And Grinding Wheels Sector
Stock Name | Market Cap | Current Price | High / Low | Stock P/E | Book Value | Dividend Yield | ROCE | ROE | Face Value |
Wendt India Ltd | 2,391 Cr. | 11,800 | 18,034/10,391 | 59.8 | 1,148 | 0.43 % | 24.7 % | 18.5 % | 10.0 |
Grindwell Norton Ltd | 18,222 Cr. | 1,651 | 2,960/1,638 | 49.4 | 186 | 1.03 % | 24.6 % | 19.0 % | 5.00 |
Carborundum Universal Ltd | 19,744 Cr. | 1,038 | 1,841/996 | 49.5 | 175 | 0.39 % | 20.1 % | 15.6 % | 1.00 |
Industry Average | 13,452.33 Cr | 4,829.67 | 52.90 | 503.00 | 0.62% | 23.13% | 17.70% | 5.33 |