Seller Details

Buyer Details

Invoice No:Date:

Item Details

Sl NoDescriptionHSN CodeUoMUnit PriceQtyDiscount (%)GST (%)CGSTSGSTIGSTTotal

📜 GST Invoice Generator – User Manual

Welcome to the GST Invoice Generator! This tool helps you create a GST-compliant Proforma Invoice with ease. Just follow the simple steps below. 🚀

🛠 Step 1: Enter Seller & Buyer Details

  • Fill in the Seller’s Name, GSTIN, and Address.
  • Enter the Buyer’s Name, GSTIN, and Address.
  • Provide an Invoice Number and select the Invoice Date.

📦 Step 2: Add Item Details

  • Enter the Item Description (max 200 characters).
  • Fill in the HSN Code (4-8 digits only).
  • Specify the Unit of Measurement (UoM) (e.g., KG, Ltr, Pcs).
  • Enter the Unit Price, Quantity, and Discount (%).
  • Set the applicable GST Rate (%).

➕ Step 3: Add More Items

Click the “+ Add Item” button to insert more rows for additional items.

📊 Step 4: Calculate GST

Press the “Calculate GST” button to automatically compute:

  • CGST & SGST (For intra-state transactions)
  • IGST (For inter-state transactions)
  • Total Amount & Subtotal

🖨️ Step 5: Print the Invoice

Once all details are entered, click “Print Invoice”. Your invoice will be formatted in a professional table layout and is ready to be printed!

⚠️ Important Notes

  • Negative values are NOT allowed in GST, Discount, Quantity, or Unit Price.
  • HSN Code must be 4-8 digits only.
  • All mandatory fields must be filled before calculation.

🎉 That’s it! You’re ready to generate your GST-compliant Proforma Invoice hassle-free!

📖 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

A GST Invoice is a legal document issued by a seller to the buyer containing details of the sale, tax rates, and the amount of GST charged. It serves as proof of a taxable supply of goods/services under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) law.

A Proforma Invoice is a preliminary bill issued before the final sale. It is not a legal tax invoice but provides an estimated cost of goods/services. It is often used for quotations or customs purposes.

To generate a GST invoice, follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter Seller & Buyer Details (Name, GSTIN, Address).
  2. Add Invoice Number & Date.
  3. List the Items Sold (HSN Code, Quantity, Price, GST Rate).
  4. Calculate CGST, SGST, or IGST.
  5. Click “Generate Invoice” and print or save it as PDF.

GST stands for Goods and Services Tax. It is a single tax applied on the supply of goods and services across India, replacing multiple indirect taxes like VAT, Service Tax, and Excise Duty.

Any registered business under GST law must issue a GST invoice for taxable sales. This applies to traders, manufacturers, service providers, and businesses with annual turnover above ₹20 lakhs (₹10 lakhs for special category states).

GST is calculated using the formula:

GST Amount = (Original Price × GST Rate) / 100

For example, if a product costs ₹1,000 and GST is 18%, the GST amount will be:

₹1,000 × 18% = ₹180

You can use our GST Calculator to calculate CGST, SGT and IGST of any Goods and Services

There is no minimum amount for issuing a GST invoice. However, for sales below ₹200, a consolidated invoice can be issued instead of separate invoices for each sale.

There are three types of GST in India:

  • CGST – Central Goods and Services Tax (collected by the central government).
  • SGST – State Goods and Services Tax (collected by state governments).
  • IGST – Integrated Goods and Services Tax (collected for interstate transactions).

Yes! You can create your own invoice manually or using GST invoice generator tools. However, a GST invoice must follow the government-prescribed format, including:

  • Seller & Buyer GSTIN
  • Invoice Number & Date
  • HSN Code & Tax Rates
  • CGST, SGST, or IGST Amount
  • Total Invoice Value

You can claim a GST refund if:

  • You export goods/services (zero-rated supply).
  • You paid excess tax due to miscalculation.
  • You received a refund order from GST authorities.

To claim, log in to the GST portal, fill Form RFD-01, and submit supporting documents.

GST is paid by the end consumer. However, businesses act as collectors and deposit the collected tax to the government. Some businesses under Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) pay GST directly.

A GST invoice should be raised at the time of supply. For goods, it’s at the time of delivery or transfer, and for services, it’s upon completion of the service. Prompt invoicing helps ensure compliance with GST regulations and aids in accurate tax filing.

The GST invoice number is a unique identifier assigned to each invoice. It must be a consecutive serial number, not exceeding 16 characters, containing alphabets or digits or special characters like dash and slash, and unique for a financial year.

The benefits of issuing a GST invoice include legal proof of the supply of goods or services, entitlement to input tax credit for the buyer, and helps in maintaining transparent and compliant business transactions.

Receiving a GST invoice when purchasing on Amazon allows businesses to claim input tax credit on their purchases, reducing the cost of goods and services and thereby lowering overall business expenses.

A GST invoice works by detailing the goods or services sold, including description, quantity, taxable value, tax rate applied (CGST, SGST, IGST), and the total amount due. This invoice enables both the supplier and the buyer to track their sales or purchases for GST compliance.

In GST, discounts provided before or at the time of sale are deducted from the transaction value, thus reducing the GST payable. Discounts given after the sale must be clearly linked to the relevant invoice, and both parties must have agreed to the discount terms.

Once issued, a GST invoice cannot be changed. If there is a need to correct any details, a debit or credit note must be issued as appropriate to adjust the values originally stated.