Dhunseri Investments Ltd. is a Public Limited Listed company incorporated on 04/02/1997 and has its registered office in the State of West Bengal, India. Company’s Corporate Identification Number(CIN) is L15491WB1997PLC082808 and registration number is 082808. Currently company belongs to the Industry of Finance & Investments. Company’s Total Operating Revenue is Rs. 13.51 Cr. and Equity Capital is Rs. 6.10 Cr. for the Year ended 31/03/2022.
Below is a detailed analysis of the quarterly data for Fundamental Analysis of Dhunseri Investments Ltd based on the most recent figures (Dec 2023) and their trends compared to the previous period:
For Sales, as of Dec 2023, the value is ₹73.06 Cr.. The value appears strong and on an upward trend. It has increased from 60.81 Cr. (Sep 2023) to ₹73.06 Cr., marking an increase of ₹12.25 Cr..
For Expenses, as of Dec 2023, the value is ₹63.93 Cr.. The value appears to be increasing, which may not be favorable. It has increased from 29.16 Cr. (Sep 2023) to ₹63.93 Cr., marking an increase of ₹34.77 Cr..
For Operating Profit, as of Dec 2023, the value is ₹9.13 Cr.. The value appears to be declining and may need further review. It has decreased from 31.65 Cr. (Sep 2023) to ₹9.13 Cr., marking a decrease of 22.52 Cr..
For OPM %, as of Dec 2023, the value is 12.50%. The value appears to be declining and may need further review. It has decreased from 52.05% (Sep 2023) to 12.50%, marking a decrease of 39.55%.
For Other Income, as of Dec 2023, the value is ₹11.72 Cr.. The value appears to be declining and may need further review. It has decreased from 76.09 Cr. (Sep 2023) to ₹11.72 Cr., marking a decrease of 64.37 Cr..
For Interest, as of Dec 2023, the value is ₹8.31 Cr.. The value appears to be increasing, which may not be favorable. It has increased from 0.96 Cr. (Sep 2023) to ₹8.31 Cr., marking an increase of ₹7.35 Cr..
For Depreciation, as of Dec 2023, the value is ₹6.60 Cr.. The value appears to be increasing, which may not be favorable. It has increased from 5.62 Cr. (Sep 2023) to ₹6.60 Cr., marking an increase of ₹0.98 Cr..
For Profit before tax, as of Dec 2023, the value is ₹5.94 Cr.. The value appears to be declining and may need further review. It has decreased from 101.16 Cr. (Sep 2023) to ₹5.94 Cr., marking a decrease of 95.22 Cr..
For Tax %, as of Dec 2023, the value is 114.48%. The value appears to be increasing, which may not be favorable. It has increased from 22.34% (Sep 2023) to 114.48%, marking an increase of 92.14%.
For Net Profit, as of Dec 2023, the value is ₹-0.86 Cr.. The value appears to be declining and may need further review. It has decreased from 78.56 Cr. (Sep 2023) to ₹-0.86 Cr., marking a decrease of 79.42 Cr..
For EPS in Rs, as of Dec 2023, the value is -9.86. The value appears to be declining and may need further review. It has decreased from ₹74.92 (Sep 2023) to -9.86, marking a decrease of ₹84.78.
Overall, while many items appear to show a positive trend, any significant downward movement warrant further investigation.
Dhunseri Investments Ltd Quarterly Chart
Dhunseri Investments Ltd Profit & Loss
Last Updated: Unknown
Mar 2016
Mar 2017
Mar 2018
Mar 2019
Mar 2020
Mar 2021
Mar 2022
Mar 2023
Operating Profit
Other Income
Profit before tax
Tax %
Net Profit
EPS in Rs
Dividend Payout %
Dhunseri Investments Ltd Profit & Loss Yearly Chart
Dhunseri Investments Ltd Growth
Compounded Sales Growth
10 Years:
5 Years:
3 Years:
Compounded Profit Growth
10 Years:
5 Years:
3 Years:
Stock Price CAGR
10 Years:
5 Years:
3 Years:
1 Year:
Return on Equity
10 Years:
5 Years:
3 Years:
Last Year:
Last Updated: Unknown
No data available for the Balance Sheet data table.
Dhunseri Investments Ltd Reserves and Borrowings Chart
After reviewing the key financial ratios for Fundamental Analysis of Dhunseri Investments Ltd, here is a detailed analysis based on the latest available data and recent trends:
For FaceValue, as of Mar 23, the value is 10.00. This value is within the healthy range. There is no change compared to the previous period (Mar 22) which recorded 10.00.
For Basic EPS (Rs.), as of Mar 23, the value is 480.16. This value is within the healthy range. It has increased from 252.63 (Mar 22) to 480.16, marking an increase of 227.53.
For Diluted EPS (Rs.), as of Mar 23, the value is 480.16. This value is within the healthy range. It has increased from 252.63 (Mar 22) to 480.16, marking an increase of 227.53.
For Cash EPS (Rs.), as of Mar 23, the value is -177.39. This value is below the healthy minimum of 3. It has decreased from 62.43 (Mar 22) to -177.39, marking a decrease of 239.82.
For Book Value[Excl.RevalReserv]/Share (Rs.), as of Mar 23, the value is 5,071.70. It has increased from 4,154.28 (Mar 22) to 5,071.70, marking an increase of 917.42.
For Book Value[Incl.RevalReserv]/Share (Rs.), as of Mar 23, the value is 5,071.70. It has increased from 4,154.28 (Mar 22) to 5,071.70, marking an increase of 917.42.
For Revenue From Operations / Share (Rs.), as of Mar 23, the value is 398.41. It has decreased from 457.83 (Mar 22) to 398.41, marking a decrease of 59.42.
For PBDIT / Share (Rs.), as of Mar 23, the value is 123.49. This value is within the healthy range. It has decreased from 223.17 (Mar 22) to 123.49, marking a decrease of 99.68.
For PBIT / Share (Rs.), as of Mar 23, the value is 87.29. This value is within the healthy range. It has decreased from 185.83 (Mar 22) to 87.29, marking a decrease of 98.54.
For PBT / Share (Rs.), as of Mar 23, the value is 77.87. This value is within the healthy range. It has decreased from 176.91 (Mar 22) to 77.87, marking a decrease of 99.04.
For Net Profit / Share (Rs.), as of Mar 23, the value is -213.59. This value is below the healthy minimum of 2. It has decreased from 25.09 (Mar 22) to -213.59, marking a decrease of 238.68.
For NP After MI And SOA / Share (Rs.), as of Mar 23, the value is 480.15. This value is within the healthy range. It has increased from 252.63 (Mar 22) to 480.15, marking an increase of 227.52.
For PBDIT Margin (%), as of Mar 23, the value is 30.99. This value is within the healthy range. It has decreased from 48.74 (Mar 22) to 30.99, marking a decrease of 17.75.
For PBIT Margin (%), as of Mar 23, the value is 21.91. This value exceeds the healthy maximum of 20. It has decreased from 40.58 (Mar 22) to 21.91, marking a decrease of 18.67.
For PBT Margin (%), as of Mar 23, the value is 19.54. This value is within the healthy range. It has decreased from 38.64 (Mar 22) to 19.54, marking a decrease of 19.10.
For Net Profit Margin (%), as of Mar 23, the value is -53.61. This value is below the healthy minimum of 5. It has decreased from 5.48 (Mar 22) to -53.61, marking a decrease of 59.09.
For NP After MI And SOA Margin (%), as of Mar 23, the value is 120.51. This value exceeds the healthy maximum of 20. It has increased from 55.17 (Mar 22) to 120.51, marking an increase of 65.34.
For Return on Networth / Equity (%), as of Mar 23, the value is 12.89. This value is below the healthy minimum of 15. It has increased from 7.92 (Mar 22) to 12.89, marking an increase of 4.97.
For Return on Capital Employeed (%), as of Mar 23, the value is 1.48. This value is below the healthy minimum of 10. It has decreased from 4.04 (Mar 22) to 1.48, marking a decrease of 2.56.
For Return On Assets (%), as of Mar 23, the value is 7.36. This value is within the healthy range. It has increased from 5.25 (Mar 22) to 7.36, marking an increase of 2.11.
For Long Term Debt / Equity (X), as of Mar 23, the value is 0.00. This value is below the healthy minimum of 0.2. There is no change compared to the previous period (Mar 22) which recorded 0.00.
For Total Debt / Equity (X), as of Mar 23, the value is 0.14. This value is within the healthy range. It has increased from 0.04 (Mar 22) to 0.14, marking an increase of 0.10.
For Asset Turnover Ratio (%), as of Mar 23, the value is 0.07. It has decreased from 0.10 (Mar 22) to 0.07, marking a decrease of 0.03.
For Current Ratio (X), as of Mar 23, the value is 2.74. This value is within the healthy range. It has decreased from 8.54 (Mar 22) to 2.74, marking a decrease of 5.80.
For Quick Ratio (X), as of Mar 23, the value is 2.74. This value exceeds the healthy maximum of 2. It has decreased from 8.54 (Mar 22) to 2.74, marking a decrease of 5.80.
For Inventory Turnover Ratio (X), as of Mar 23, the value is 35.53. This value exceeds the healthy maximum of 8. It has increased from 34.72 (Mar 22) to 35.53, marking an increase of 0.81.
For Dividend Payout Ratio (NP) (%), as of Mar 23, the value is 0.52. This value is below the healthy minimum of 20. It has decreased from 0.98 (Mar 22) to 0.52, marking a decrease of 0.46.
For Dividend Payout Ratio (CP) (%), as of Mar 23, the value is 0.48. This value is below the healthy minimum of 20. It has decreased from 0.86 (Mar 22) to 0.48, marking a decrease of 0.38.
For Earning Retention Ratio (%), as of Mar 23, the value is 99.48. This value exceeds the healthy maximum of 70. It has increased from 99.02 (Mar 22) to 99.48, marking an increase of 0.46.
For Cash Earning Retention Ratio (%), as of Mar 23, the value is 99.52. This value exceeds the healthy maximum of 70. It has increased from 99.14 (Mar 22) to 99.52, marking an increase of 0.38.
For Interest Coverage Ratio (X), as of Mar 23, the value is 13.11. This value is within the healthy range. It has decreased from 25.03 (Mar 22) to 13.11, marking a decrease of 11.92.
For Interest Coverage Ratio (Post Tax) (X), as of Mar 23, the value is -21.68. This value is below the healthy minimum of 3. It has decreased from 3.81 (Mar 22) to -21.68, marking a decrease of 25.49.
For Enterprise Value (Cr.), as of Mar 23, the value is 1,250.80. It has increased from 1,008.70 (Mar 22) to 1,250.80, marking an increase of 242.10.
For EV / Net Operating Revenue (X), as of Mar 23, the value is 5.15. This value exceeds the healthy maximum of 3. It has increased from 3.61 (Mar 22) to 5.15, marking an increase of 1.54.
For EV / EBITDA (X), as of Mar 23, the value is 16.61. This value exceeds the healthy maximum of 15. It has increased from 7.41 (Mar 22) to 16.61, marking an increase of 9.20.
For MarketCap / Net Operating Revenue (X), as of Mar 23, the value is 1.50. This value is within the healthy range. It has increased from 1.37 (Mar 22) to 1.50, marking an increase of 0.13.
For Retention Ratios (%), as of Mar 23, the value is 99.47. This value exceeds the healthy maximum of 70. It has increased from 99.01 (Mar 22) to 99.47, marking an increase of 0.46.
For Price / BV (X), as of Mar 23, the value is 0.16. This value is below the healthy minimum of 1. It has decreased from 0.19 (Mar 22) to 0.16, marking a decrease of 0.03.
For Price / Net Operating Revenue (X), as of Mar 23, the value is 1.50. This value is within the healthy range. It has increased from 1.37 (Mar 22) to 1.50, marking an increase of 0.13.
For EarningsYield, as of Mar 23, the value is 0.80. This value is below the healthy minimum of 5. It has increased from 0.40 (Mar 22) to 0.80, marking an increase of 0.40.
Overall, while many metrics show healthy performance, any figures highlighted in red or significant downward trends warrant further investigation.
Fair value = P/E Ratio * (Return on Equity / 100) * Book Value * (1 + Dividend Yield / 100)
P/E Ratio (Price-to-Earnings Ratio): Represents the price of the stock relative to its earnings per share. A higher P/E ratio indicates that investors are willing to pay a higher price for the stock.
Return on Equity (ROE): Measures a company's profitability relative to its shareholder equity. It showcases the company's ability to generate profits using the investment made by its shareholders, offering valuable insight into its operational efficiency and financial performance.
Book Value: Represents the net asset value of the company per share. It is calculated as the total assets minus intangible assets and liabilities, divided by the number of outstanding shares.
Dividend Yield: The ratio of the annual dividend per share to the current market price per share. It offers valuable insights into the profitability of an investment through dividends.
This formula allows us to gauge the fair value of the stock by analyzing its fundamental indicators.
As of March 12, 2025, is Undervalued by 98.82% compared to the current share price 965.00
Intrinsic Value of as of March 12, 2025 is: 4,025.11
Calculation basis:
Intrinsic value = P/E Ratio * (Return on Equity / 100) * Book Value * (1 + Dividend Yield / 100) * (1 + EPS CAGR for Last 5 Years)
P/E Ratio (Price-to-Earnings Ratio): Represents the price of the stock relative to its earnings per share. A higher P/E ratio indicates that investors are willing to pay a higher price for the stock.
Return on Equity (ROE): Measures a company's profitability relative to its shareholder equity. It showcases the company's ability to generate profits using the investment made by its shareholders, offering valuable insight into its operational efficiency and financial performance.
Book Value: Represents the net asset value of the company per share. It is calculated as the total assets minus intangible assets and liabilities, divided by the number of outstanding shares.
Dividend Yield: The ratio of the annual dividend per share to the current market price per share. It offers valuable insights into the profitability of an investment through dividends.
EPS CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate): Represents the geometric mean growth rate of earnings per share over the last 5 years. It provides insight into the historical growth trajectory of the company's earnings.
This formula allows us to gauge the intrinsic value of the stock by analyzing its fundamental indicators along with EPS growth.
As of March 12, 2025, is Undervalued by 317.11% compared to the current share price 965.00
Last 5 Year EPS CAGR: 109.80%
*Investments are subject to market risks
Strength and Weakness of Dhunseri Investments Ltd Stock